Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World All Saves Mod.Some No-CD/Fixed EXE files work fine in Single Player mode but are detected to be modified when trying to play online. Always make a backup of the files that are overwritten by the File Archive, as the original files are usually required to update the game to a newer version or to play Online!. For example, to disable invulnerability, input -drlife.Game or Patch Questions? VisitMAINN E T W O R KDungeon Siege 2Broken World Add-OnSystemLanguageProtectionCD Cover: PC:: DS2 / DS2BW:IndexGame Fixes.Game Trainers & Unlockers.Related FileForums Posts.Backup & Installation Notes. To disable the cheat effect, enter the same cheat but use a subtraction symbol instead of an addition symbol. However, the weapon you equipped still does the dmamage but it looks as if your character is punching at the enemy barehanded.ĭuring your session, press ENTER and enter the following codes: The only bad thing about this is that when you look at your characters when they are in the overhead battle mode, they don't have the weapon on hand, but just the shield. If all goes well you should be able to make this work. Now, take your desired two handed weapon and place it in the primary weapon slot. On the main character bar, click on any spell as your main weapon of choice, but DO NOT exit the inventory list. Buy or choose a shield and place it in your secondary weapon slot. Empty your primary and secondary weapon slots. Open the inventory list for your character.

Note this glitch is unproven and may be addressed in future patches. You may be able to duplicate Drevin's other default equipment, but it's pointless since your hero starts out with the same things equipped. Hero keeps all equipment, so transfer all items that are not default to the hero if you do this later in the tutorial.

Hero should have shield equipped and no weapon Equip hero with Drevin's hammer and Shield